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making our clients happier

Your Electrical Experts: Empowering Solutions!

Delivering reliable electrical services to power your home and business needs.


Years Experience of This Field

About Us

Discover Our Electrical and HVAC Excellence

At CMS Maintenance Service LLC, we are your trusted experts in a wide range of electrical and HVAC services. With a deep commitment to safety and quality, our highly skilled team specializes in circuit breaker repair, electric installation, replacement, and panel repair, ensuring your electrical systems run smoothly and efficiently.

In addition to our electrical expertise, we provide comprehensive HVAC system repair services to ensure your home or business remains comfortable year-round. Our professionals are also adept at outlet repair, electric inspection, and wire installation and repair. Count on us for dependable solutions to meet your electrical and HVAC needs.

Charles Schwable

Your own electrician

About Us

Our Company Services

Circuit breaker repair

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety

Electric installation

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety

Electric panel repair

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety

Wire installation

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety

HVAC Services

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety

Outlet repair

We Have The Best Electrician For The Electric Service. Quality Work With Professional Worker And Safety


Great Reasons For People Choose Easton

We believe on our qualified services which made us one of the best service Provider. Our team always focuses on :


Affordable Price

Insured Experts

Flat Rate Pricing

Advance Systems

Custom Support

24/7 Availability

Our Statistics
Our Statistics

Some Important Facts

Residential Projects

Commercial Projects

Industrial Projects

Industrial Projects


What Our Clients Say


Exceptional service from CMS Maintenance Service LLC. Their team tackled my electrical and HVAC issues promptly and professionally. I highly recommend their expertise and commitment to quality work.


CMS Maintenance Service LLC exceeded my expectations. They promptly addressed my electrical panel issue, providing top-notch service. I appreciate their reliability and skill. Highly recommend their electrical expertise.”

Cassandra G. Corley

I had an electrical emergency, and CMS Maintenance Service LLC came to the rescue. Their swift response and expert wire repair saved the day. I’m impressed with their professionalism and efficiency



Our Projects

service plans
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Our Expertise


Need Electrical Services Help?

Don’t hesitate to call us on any Electrical Service, our team awaits your call.


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